Tuesday, February 1, 2011

About Hookah Charcoal

There are two types of hookah charcoals: Quick Light Hookah Coal & Natural Hookah Coal.  Personally, I prefer Natural Hookah Coal, because it last a very long time and gives you thicker smoke, unlike Quick Light Hookah Coal.

Quick Light Hookah Coals usually come in circle, they die out in like 20mins max and they don't give you thick smoke unless you put three on your hookah (some brands like Exotica, Chronic Hookah, Silver Flint, etc. came out with square ones).  If you don't like to wait for a long time for the coals to burn, quick light hookah coals are a good option, but again, you won't get thick smoke.

Natural Hookah Coals are a very good if you like to have a good long session of shisha, because you can smoke for a very long time and gives you thicker smoke. The only bad part is that it takes time for the coals to burn.  Most natural hookah coals come in square shape, except for some (like Romman Natural Lemonwood coals that come in broken pieces). I've always used a brand called Exotica, it is said to be a world leading and fastest growing charcoal brand. Exotica coals don't have any chemical taste, so you will get a pure flavored tobacco smell when you smoke.  However, some reviews say that CO or Carbon Monoxide, but majority say this brand very good.  Many reviews say that Coco Nara Natural Coals are the best coal. This brand is 100% made by coconut shells, many reviews say that it is long lasting and doesn't get too harsh.  I haven't tried this brand yet, but I will definitely order some when I get a chance.

**Click HERE to find out more about Exotica Coals**

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